Friday, November 8, 2013

Obomination: Obama’s Presidency is now Defined

The quote of Obama’s presidency has now been made.  “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”  And unlike other famous or infamous quotes by other Presidents, President Obama said versions of this quote over and over again.  Check this out for one quick example:

Obama lied in a substantive and important way.  There is no other way around it.  This lie is going to have an important effect on elections going forward, as shown in the recent Virginia Governor’s race in an analysis by famed prognosticator Larry Sabato:

President Obama’s poor ratings in the post-Obamacare launch fiasco probably hurt McAuliffe to some degree (so much for that big Obama rally on Sunday).

On local radio station WTOP, former Democrat Virginia Governor Doug Wilder put it much stronger terms say that it almost cost the man he endorsed, Terry McAuliffe, the Governor’s office.  Ken Cuccenlli, who some are trying to label as too extreme for Virginia, actually won independents by nine points on Tuesday.  As Politico put it:

The president’s approval rating has slipped in the wake of the Obamacare fiasco and other scandals of his fifth year in office, and his trip to Virginia Sunday probably motivated some independents and Republicans to back Cuccinelli

Even if the website gets fixed, this does not change that President Obama lied many times about the program that bears his name.  Obama finally realized the problem is serious and did a much too late apology yesterday.  This was likely based on his fellow Democrats telling him he had to do this to stop the political damage. 

As things stand now, one thing is for sure.  Democrats up for reelection in 2014 are worried and I doubt that many will be asking the President to campaign with them the weekend before the election.  

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