Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wife, Mother, Lawyer, Fighter, Michele Bachmann to Leave Office

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-6) announced this morning in a video announcement on her website that this is her last term in office and she will not run for re-election in 2014.

I, for one, am sad to hear this news.  As a woman, lawyer, conservative and fighter Michele Bachmann is exactly what Congress needs at this time.  She has fought hard to bring what is true and good to Congress and America. During her time in office Bachmann has fought to balance the budget, and has worked on many foreign policy issues as well as consistently made sure conservative social beliefs are listened to in areas such as abortion, marriage, religion and education.   Agree with her stance on the Tea Party or not, one can’t deny Bachmann’s determination to fight for the Tea Party’s beliefs, even starting the Tea Party Caucus in Capitol Hill.  "I once said that the Tea Party represents 90 percent of Americans. I now realize that I misspoke," she admitted. "I should have said 100 percent, because I believe that nearly all Americans retain faith in the ordered liberty that the Constitution offers."

A wife and mother of 4 who has learned how to balance 100 hour weeks, Michele Bachmann is is a model for both young and old conservatives alike.  With staunch beliefs, Bachmann said her decision to run for Congress and to seek the presidency had been “based solely on my heartfelt concern for our country’s future…Unfortunately today I am even more concerned about our country’s future than I’ve ever been in the past,” she said.  While stepping down from office is in the future, let’s hope that Bachmann remains in the political realm.  “There is no future option or opportunity, be it directly in the political area or otherwise, that I won’t be giving serious consideration if it can help save and protect our great nation for future generations,” she said.  

We need more Congresswomen like Bachmann in office.  I wish you well in your next endeavor, whatever that may be, Congresswoman. 

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