Thursday, January 3, 2013

Top RNLA Blog Posts of 2012

#10. Michael Collins: Vote Fraud Indictments in New Mexico
“While many Democrats have decried voter ID laws as partisan attempts to fix a nonexistent voter fraud problem, four individuals were recently charged with voter fraud in a New Mexico city where more than a dozen officials including the mayor have been indicted for theft and racketeering.”

“On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day in the eleventh month of 1918, the opportunity to solemnly honor American Veterans who served fighting for this country was born.  Veterans Day, November 11th, is a day dedicated to honoring and thanking all American veterans for their service and sacrifice.  It is because of the selfless service and patriotism of our veterans that we have a free society.  For that, we are thankful.”

#8. Brian Bennett: The DISCLOSE Act… Again?
“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. The Democrats in the United States Senate are taking this saying seriously by proposing a 2012 version of the DISCLOSE Act. This version of the DISCLOSE Act is supposedly better than the version that failed to pass the Senate in 2010. Last Thursday, the Senate Rules Committee held a hearing on the 2012 DISCLOSE Act in an attempt to show people that the 2012 redux is truly better than the failed 2010 version.”

“On January 4, 2012, President Obama completely disregarded the United States Constitution by making recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) while the Senate was not in recess.   In the wake of such controversial, undemocratic usurpations of power, attorneys from the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel released a memo attempting to retroactively justify the appointments.  Now, those same attorneys could face investigation.”

“Usually, the mere mention of Citizens United v. FEC is enough to send liberals into fits of flabbergasted fury. But a little over two years after President Obama famously and unjustly chastised Supreme Court justices for the ruling, a pro-abortion PAC in his home state is citing it as authority, as it contests the state’s campaign-finance regime in federal court.”

#5. Michael ThielenNews21 Students Get an F
“News21, a project of the Cronkite School of Journalism, published an error-ridden series of articles about vote fraud beginning in mid-August, claiming that there is ‘no evidence’ that voter ID laws would prevent fraud. The News21 ‘report’ is a failure on every level and is an unfortunate example of advocacy of a position in ignorance of the facts. The News21 report should not be cited or used by anyone wanting information on vote fraud or ID.”

#4. Cleta Mitchell: In Response to Rick Hasen
“[I]mproving election administration in America should not be a partisan issue - and we should stop calling each other names.”

“What is Obama campaign saying about whether they can break the law against foreign contributions and hide their lawlessness?  Their answer is apparently: ‘Yes, we can.’”

#2. Stephen Hoersting: A Quote Not Questionable At All
“Professor Rick Hasen lists as his ‘questionable quote of the day’ a quote not questionable at all.  The quote, taken from a timely op-ed by FEC Chairman Caroline Hunter in the Washington Times, is that ‘SuperPACs may not coordinate with any candidate.’”

“Among the ‘solutions’ being proposed to reduce lines at polling places is to nationalize our voter registration system and to automate certain portions of it…nationalizing and automating registration will bring increased chaos at the polling place, not less.”

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