Wednesday, August 28, 2013

50th Anniversary of Republican Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream Speech”

Today is the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream Speech.”  While the media is rightly covering this in greatly detail, they are leaving out one.  As North Carolina RNC Member Ada Fisher stated:

For many African-Americans gathered, it was a reminder that the Republican Party – the party of Abraham Lincoln – wasn’t as estranged from the civil rights movement as some of the more official commemoration events would make it seem…

“It’s a movement that had its roots in the black community and in the Republican community,” Ada Fisher, a Republican National committeewoman from North Carolina, who is African-American, told ABC News. “Most people don’t talk about the fact that Martin Luther King was a Republican…”

As former President George W. Bush said today.

Dr. King was on this Earth just 39 years, but the ideals that guided his life of conscience and purpose are eternal. Honoring him requires the commitment of every one of us. There's still a need for every American to help hasten the day when Dr. King's vision is made real in every community -when what truly matters is not the color of a person's skin, but the content of their character.

Laura and I thank the King family and all who work to carry on the legacy of a great man and the promise of a great Nation. May we continue to march toward the day when the dignity and humanity of every person is respected.  And may God continue to bless America.

Although King was a Republican and his niece is one as well, his work goes beyond politics. 

Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., said to cheers that she is a Republican, but noted the limits to party affiliation. 

“So much transcends politics,” she said.

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