Monday, December 16, 2013

Nelson Mandela Supported Voter ID

Wisconsin is arguably the most vote fraud ridden state in the country.  It even allows people to vouch for other people to vote. The problems have been well documented by the non-partisan police department of Milwaukee.  Yet, GOP efforts to bring sanity to these problems are met with allegations of racism and oppression. 

One of those groups bringing those allegations is a liberal group in Wisconsin called One Wisconsin Now. One Wisconsin Now made a major PR blunder when it tried to capitalize on the death of Nelson Mandela in its efforts to support vote fraud and oppose Voter ID.  Nelson Mandela supported Voter ID.

Furthermore, South Africa, like most of the world, has a much more stringent system of election integrity than the United States and Wisconsin.  

That constitution allows for and supports a rigorous election integrity process far more stringent than anything GOP lawmakers have proposed in Wisconsin.  An October story from a South African news outlet explains in advance of the nation’s 2014 elections, “aspirant voters must produce a valid South African identity document when registering to vote and when voting.” That means procuring one of “three forms of official identification.”

One of those identification forms is new: a so-called “smartcard ID.” Although a new addition to the process, one election official said that “[a]ccommodating the new smartcard IDs has not been difficult.”

 . . . Online voter registration and voting are not allows. “You have to apply for registration and vote in person with valid ID,” reads the government’s elections website. Two of the common forms of identification, passports and drivers licenses, do not suffice for election ID purposes.

. . . The South African system stands in stark contrast to Wisconsin’s own election system. Voter registration is always available – including on election day – and early voting in some areas extends the amount of time voters have to cast ballots. No form of identification is required to cast a ballot and proof of residency is not always required to register to vote.

So while South Africa is embarrassed and concerned about the security gaffes involving a fraudulent sign language interpreter; the US and people of Wisconsin should be embarrassed and concerned about their voting system which has virtually no protections against vote fraud.  

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